Year-End Planning for Medical Expense Claims

Edited by Admin

While the current state of the Canadian health care system is far from perfect, Canadians are nonetheless fortunate to have a publicly funded health care system, in which most major medical expenses are covered by provincial health care plans. Notwithstanding, there is a large (and growing) number of medical and para-medical costs – including dental care, prescription drugs, physiotherapy, ambulance trips, and many others – which must be paid for on an out-of-pocket basis by the individual. In some cases, such costs are covered by private insurance, usually provided by an employer, but not everyone benefits from private health care coverage. Self-employed individuals, those working on contract, or those whose income comes from several part-time jobs do not usually have access to such private insurance coverage. Fortunately for those individuals, our tax system acts to help cushion the blow by providing a 15% federal non-refundable medical expense tax credit (METC) to help offset out-of-pocket medical and para-medical costs which must be incurred.

The difficulty for such individuals is that while the tax credit claimable is simple in concept, it can be difficult to determine just what kinds of expenses are claimable for purposes of that credit (not all are, and others are claimable only if certain criteria are met), the extent to which expenses can be claimed (only expenses which exceed a certain amount can be claimed, and that amount changes with the income of the taxpayer), and who should claim the expenses (usually, but not always, it makes more sense for the lower-income spouse to claim medical expenses incurred by the entire family).

It's not hard to see why taxpayers can become confused and frustrated when trying to file a claim for medical expenses on the annual return. However, the process of determining the available claim really comes down to answering three questions, as follows.

  1. Which of my expenses are claimable and are there additional criteria imposed?
  2. Of my total medical expenses, how much can I claim?
  3. Should I or my spouse should make the claim for the medical expense tax credit?

Which of my expenses are claimable, and are there additional criteria imposed?

The good news for taxpayers is that there are a great number of different kinds of medical expenses which qualify for the medical expense tax credit, and the Canada Revenue Agency provides a detailed alphabetical (and searchable) listing of those expenses on its website at

While each of the medical expenses listed on the CRA website are eligible to be claimed for purposes of the medical expense tax credit, for each such expense it’s necessary to determine whether there are additional criteria which must be met in order to make that particular expense eligible for the credit.

Probably the most important criterion for most taxpayers is that, in some cases, a particular expense is only claimable if a prescription has been obtained from a medical doctor indicating a need on the part of the taxpayer to incur that expense. However, making a determination of when it’s necessary to obtain a prescription from a medical professional in order to ensure that the planned expenditure will qualify for the credit is far from intuitive. For instance, in order to claim the medical expense tax credit for the cost of a cane or a walker, it is necessary to obtain a prescription for that cane or walker. However, where costs are incurred to purchase a wheelchair, those costs are eligible for the medical expense credit, with no requirement that a prescription of any kind be obtained.

The listing of eligible medical expenses found on the CRA website does indicate the kinds of expenses for which a prescription is required; where the amount of a planned expenditure for a medical expense is significant, it’s well worth consulting the CRA website to ensure that the purchase is done in a way that will make it possible to claim the METC for the cost incurred.

Other types of medical expense costs can be claimed for purposes of the credit only where the person incurring that expenditure qualifies for the federal disability tax credit. Once again, the listing found on the CRA website indicates the types of expenditures to which this requirement applies.

Of my total medical expenses, how much can I claim?

Here again, the basic rule which determines how much a taxpayer can claim in a particular taxation year can be stated simply, but is more complex to apply. The basic rule is that for a taxation year a taxpayer can claim eligible medical expenses which exceed 3% of the taxpayer’s net income, or $2,759, whichever is less.

Put in more practical terms, the rule for 2024 is that any taxpayer whose net income for the year is $91,967 or less will be entitled to claim medical expenses that are greater than 3% of his or her net income for the year. Those having income of more than $91,967 will be limited to claiming qualifying expenses which exceed the $2,759 threshold.

Take, for example, a taxpayer who has $60,000 in net income for 2024 and incurs $3,400 in eligible medical expenses during the year. The computation of the available METC claim for 2024 is as follows. Based on the 3% of net income rule, the taxpayer will be entitled to claim medical expenses incurred which are more than $1,800 (3% of net income for the year). That taxpayer will therefore be able to claim $1,600 ($3,400 minus $1,800) in medical expenses for purposes of the METC.

The other aspect of determining the total expenses which can be claimed for purposes of the medical expense tax credit is that it’s possible to claim medical expenses which were incurred prior to the current tax year but weren’t claimed on the return for the year that the expenditure was made. The actual rule is that the taxpayer can claim qualifying medical expenses incurred during any 12-month period which ends in the current tax year, meaning that each taxpayer must determine which 12-month period ending in 2024 will produce the greatest amount eligible for the credit. That determination will obviously depend on when medical expenses were incurred so there is, unfortunately, no universal rule of thumb which can be used.

Which spouse should make the claim for the medical expense tax credit?

Medical expenses incurred by family members – the taxpayer, their spouse, and children who are under the age of 18 at the end of 2024, as well as certain other dependent relatives – can be added together and claimed by either spouse. In most cases, it’s best to make that claim on the tax return of the lower-income spouse, in order to maximize the amount of claimable expenses (remembering that only expenses greater than 3% of net income can be claimed).

That said, it’s also necessary to ensure that the spouse making the claim has tax payable for the year. The reason for this is that the METC is a non-refundable credit, meaning that it can be used to reduce tax otherwise payable, but cannot create or increase a refund. So, in order to maximize the use of the METC in a year, it should be claimed by the spouse whose tax payable for the year is at least as much as the amount of the METC to be claimed.

As the end of the calendar year approaches, it’s a good idea to add up the medical expenses which have been incurred during 2024, as well as those paid during 2023 and not claimed on the 2023 return. Once those totals are known, it will be easier to determine whether to make a claim for 2024 or to wait and claim 2024 expenses on the return for 2025. And if the decision is to make a claim for 2024, knowing what medical expenses were paid, and when, will enable the taxpayer to determine the optimal 12-month period for that claim.

Finally, it’s a good idea to look into the timing of medical expenses which will have to be paid early in 2025. Where those are significant expenses (for instance, a particularly costly medication which must be taken on an ongoing basis, or some expensive dental work) it may make sense, where possible, to accelerate the payment of those expenses to November or December 2024, where that means they can be included in 2024 totals and claimed on the return for this year.